Friday, May 25, 2012

how to kill worry?

Had murdering worry/anxiety been a crime,i for one would should sure not be a criminal! i guess that spell everything i am about to write further. Am a creature of worry.Literally! like astrologers can see one's birth charts and tell which sign one belongs to, any ordinary person(without astro skills)can say am born under,live with and breathe worry. what i realize is that am not the only person in this category.
lets get to how i realized fine day at work a friend of mine walked up to me and asked"Everything ok?" One could expect that maybe i was looking worried, well even i thought the same and said"yes, why do you ask?" and was promptly answered" you don't LOOK worried today!"
with this incident i try to look normal.(but what is a normal look to me is worried or confused look for every1 else.) I tried to read a very intresting book "How to stop worrying and start living"(oh yeah!i got to the point of worrying that 'OMG!!am i nuts enough to need this!!!') but what i actually did learn is the i do not worry because of what i have on hand.i worry about what i might have/ not have which is very futile. which brings me to a saying my dear sane mother keeps quoting 'CROSS THE BRIDGE WHEN IT COME'(well that is my mother) and when i hear it, my brain retorts(WHAT IF IT ISN'T THERE WHEN I REACH IT' ( Alas! thats me)..
happy worrying...oh sorry(old habits do die hard)
happy evening :)