As i grew up in this Bollywood crazy country,i soaked some of my ambiance..where one sees or rather hears cliché dialogs of main tumhare liye chand thod launga..(literally..ill break the moon for you..)everyday,which sounds silly but Juliet still fell for the road romeo for these dialogs.oh even i occasionally believe in werewolves on full moons,friendly vampires,knights in shining armors and unicorns...but presently as i grow up,these knights in armors are turning to be vampires(only less charming than edward cullen)...as one tries to convey his/her thoughts of this so called love across to their beloved,i see this effect of Bollywood in their lives... it brings back the fond memories of those iron particles going hey-wire due to the effect of a magnet(thier near future)and of the old man in the salon giving his customer a center shock hairstyle(their mental condition after the gloss fades away,like toms love for jerry)....i believe that a day will come when opposites will repel and likes will attract,so unlike my magnet's nature,and i wish to its reaction....
i vividly remember jai(imran khan) telling simran(sonam kapoor)"yeh sab tumhare un stupid filmon k wajah se hua hai"(all this has happened because of your stupid films) and i so agree with the title"i hate love stories"(when its meaningless)
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