i remember all those old stories in which one reads about pigeons,which were our ancient postal system..the kings used them,the warriors,the heers and ranjhas of those times so on and so forth and then our bollywood played an important role in reminding us of them....well all these flashes of introduction are for a simple reason...my elder sister and I wanted to relive this ancient..well it was a novel experience for me as i had written letters so far in 3 languages only for marks in school and that never was as exciting as this one...especially because i never had to stick a stamp on the envelope and drop it in the post box.
as for the experience for waiting for a letter(one which never reached)was also very rel.in short annoying.my sister called to tell that maybe her postman dint understand my handwriting,which is strange as i had received her letter which bore her handwriting
(which is akin to a pigeons's).she also introduced me to a new variety of speed post."stick a stamp of smaller denomination"she said.i wonder if the postman is a direct descendant of pigeon or if he were a pigeon in his last life,because for all i know the "speed post" i sent might also be lost if he cant read neat handwriting.i wish he has a course from a pigeon to know how to read envelopes and would be my debt to my kabuthar.
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