Even with the ever evolving medical science,my grandfather aptly says"there is no exact cause or cure for headache and cold".Am a generous host for my parasite guests.with the onset of a new season my guests(the cold parasite)claims and clamours for my hospitality with full force and hang on with all their might till the next season(a good 2 months at the least).meanwhile they don't sit idle,there is a horde of activity going on within me.
lets compare it to a film's end to end activity.the main parasite chooses a location,feels at home produces its effect(makes one ill),starts distributing itself around then flops off.like a movie's location,plot,action(one falling ill),production and distribution(everyone around catching the cold).i wonder if these germs have song shoots and dancing around blood vessels and stuff like that,what would they sing..main hun DON!!hehahaha(gabbar-samba style laugh)
that reminds me,my sister tells me that corporate entities these days have central air conditioning.so what would it be like if i catch a cold(a common occurrence) and end up at work??RESIDENT EVIL part whatever??
well,getting back to my guests,after getting everyone around me ill,i feel like kicking them tom and jerry style when i remember a friend's t-shirt with a quote"germs have feeling too" and end up just taking an antibiotic(one that never works effectively).this eventually brings me back to my grandpa's "no cause or cure for common cold"..signing off without a clue as to why did i catch the cold in the first place.:(
p.s:dear cold parasite(the one with feeling),please find another host!!!!
p.p.s:written in frustration,no hard feelings:P
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