i believe every1 falls in love at a certain point in life.like life's varied stages even love passes through many turns,matures and eventually blossoms.come to think of it its more like a delicate creeper,one that grows depending upon the strength of the substance that holds n supports it to grow.slowly growing roots and displaying a beautiful personality of it own..as it grows further and nourishes itself it displays the strength not only to support itself but also to exhibit its best to the world.to me,love is like the creeper,the younger it starts,more delicate it is.supported by dreams,aspiration and imagination.as i grow and acknowledge the person i am,i have the strength to support my dreams and aspirations.but at the same time i learn to sift through these emotions to find what love actually is.as i mature as a person the meaning of true love takes roots and i grow the courage to say no to any kind of compromise for love.and as i stand today,i feel prouder to have learnt to have said no to save some good friendships.to me dear love,you are like a part of a big puzzle and not the puzzle itself(unlike what i had once thought).though life can be lived without your presence,its undeniably better to have you in my life.and by love i dont want to limit you by giving a name of a relation...i find you everywhere,in my family,through my friends,through my critics,even in people i dont have any relation with and even pets...i hope to find better ways to express you and to give you to people who deserve it..